When the EXPO 2027 event draws to a close, the lasting legacy will stand as a testament to our nation's progress. Belgrade will undergo a remarkable transformation, with new infrastructure and transportation systems reshaping its landscape. The venues left behind will become enduring symbols of connectivity and unity, anchoring the city's future. The Expo journey will embody resilience, unity, and boundless potential, inspiring generations to come with its legacy of innovation and collaboration.
Belgrade Fair 
A major part of the site that is reserved for the organization of EXPO 2027 Belgrade will become a new location of the Belgrade Fair, utilizing superb accessibility and flexibility of the site for such use. The new Belgrade Fair site would be envisioned as a versatile, sustainable, and vibrant destination, reflecting the city’s growth and development whileoffering a world-class venue for events, culture, and community activities.
The Museum of
EXPO 2027 
The National Pavilion, initially designed for EXPO 2027, encompasses a multifunctional approach that Integrates cultural, educational, and communal functions, ensuring its ongoing relevance and vibrancy in the urban fabric. Maintaining its status as a historical and cultural epicentre, the sphere will continue to house exhibits showcasing the highlights of EXPO 2027 and The Republic of Serbia’s rich history in international expositions. This permanent museum function will not only preserve the memories and achievements of the EXPO 2027 but also serve as an educational resource, enlightening visitors about the cultural and technological advancements witnessed in these global events.
The Auditorium 
The Auditorium, initially designed to complement the activities of EXPO 2027, holds potential for a variety of post-event uses. Its open-air design makes it ideally suited for performances and events that leverage the natural ambiance and outdoor setting. This includes theatre productions, live music concerts, dance recitals, and open-air cinema events, which would attract both residents and tourists, enhancing the cultural fabric of the city. Beyond entertainment, the Auditorium is envisioned as a hub for community engagement. It can be used for public gatherings, such as concerts, cultural festivals, and local markets, fostering a sense of community and belonging. This space can also be adapted for large-scale outdoor workshops, seminars, and educational programs, making it a valuable resource for schools, universities, and other educational institutions.
The International
Forum of Play 
The mission of “The Forum of Play” is to establish itself as a premier platform dedicated to the research, development, and application of play, emphasizing its educational function. It aims to become an interdisciplinary nexus, uniting researchers, scientists, educators, and practitioners to explore and enhance the understanding of play. The Forum is committed to fostering innovation and knowledge in the field of play, advocating for its vital role in learning, development, and human interaction, and bridging the gap between theory and practice to underscore the significance of play in educational strategies and everyday life. 
Competence Centre for
Innovation and Creativity 
The centre serves as a nurturing ground for innovation, welcoming unconventional ideas and fostering an atmosphere ripe for experimentation and risk-taking, which are fundamental for progress and breakthroughs. It aims to cultivate a vibrant community of thinkers, makers, and doers, all united by the belief in the potential of play and seeks to ignite synergies through networking and collaborative projects that lead to tangible real-world applications and solutions. Moreover, it is dedicated to researching and advocating the benefits of play for creativity and innovation, supporting the integration of play principles across sectors like education and industry. The goal is to develop and provide resources, tools, and methodologies to seamlessly integrate play into daily practices, focusing on ensuring the sustainability and ongoing relevance of play as a catalyst for creativity and innovation.
Centre for Musical
The Centre for Musical Experimentation is committed to fostering a sanctuary for sonic exploration and musical discovery, empowering individuals to explore, expand, and express their musicality. It provides an innovative and inclusive space where musicians, composers, and enthusiasts of all levels can experiment with sound, collaborate with others, and push the boundaries of traditional music-making. The aim is to inspire creativity, nurture talent, and cultivate a vibrant community bound by the shared pursuit of musical innovation and artistic growth.
National Centre for the
Promotion of Sports and
Physical Activity
A facility that encourages and facilitates sports and physical wellness. The National Centre for the Promotion of Sports and Physical Activity is committed to nurturing a culture of health, well-being, and excellence through sports and physical activity. Its mission is to advocate for and facilitate a comprehensive understanding an engagement in sports, celebrating past achievements while fostering future excellence. The Centre aims to inspire individuals and communities to embrace an active lifestyle, understand the historical and cultural significance of sports, and provide expertise and resources to elevate athletic performance at all levels. Incorporating a Museum of Olympism in Serbia and a National Museum of Sports, the Centre strives to preserve and showcase the rich heritage of sports, while its competence centre for sports focuses on developing talent and advancing the science of physical training and athletic performance.
Playground Earth – smart
urban interventions
“Playground Earth” structures from EXPO 2027 will be transfered into urban contexts in the cities and municipalities of the Republic of Serbia. The process will involve carefully assessing and adapting the installations for urban spaces, coordinating their transportation and installation, and seamlessly integrating them into the city’s landscape with a focus on accessibility, safety, and aesthetic harmony. In essence, the sustainable urban interventions inspired by the EXPO 2027 legacy will transform the city into a living, breathing canvas of edutainment. These spaces will not only enhance the city’s aesthetic and cultural appeal but also promote environmental sustainability and community well-being, embedding the principles of play, learning, and ecological responsibility into the very fabric of urban life.
Belgrade Fair 
A major part of the site that is reserved for the organization of EXPO 2027 Belgrade will become a new location of the Belgrade Fair, utilizing superb accessibility and flexibility of the site for such use. The new Belgrade Fair site would be envisioned as a versatile, sustainable, and vibrant destination, reflecting the city’s growth and development whileoffering a world-class venue for events, culture, and community activities.
The Museum of EXPO 2027 
The National Pavilion, initially designed for EXPO 2027, encompasses a multifunctional approach that Integrates cultural, educational, and communal functions, ensuring its ongoing relevance and vibrancy in the urban fabric. Maintaining its status as a historical and cultural epicentre, the sphere will continue to house exhibits showcasing the highlights of EXPO 2027 and The Republic of Serbia’s rich history in international expositions. This permanent museum function will not only preserve the memories and achievements of the EXPO 2027 but also serve as an educational resource, enlightening visitors about the cultural and technological advancements witnessed in these global events.
The Auditorium 
The National Pavilion, initially designed for EXPO 2027, encompasses a multifunctional approach that Integrates cultural, educational, and communal functions, ensuring its ongoing relevance and vibrancy in the urban fabric. Maintaining its status as a historical and cultural epicentre, the sphere will continue to house exhibits showcasing the highlights of EXPO 2027 and The Republic of Serbia’s rich history in international expositions. This permanent museum function will not only preserve the memories and achievements of the EXPO 2027 but also serve as an educational resource, enlightening visitors about the cultural and technological advancements witnessed in these global events.
The International Forum of Play 
The mission of “The Forum of Play” is to establish itself as a premier platform dedicated to the research, development, and application of play, emphasizing its educational function. It aims to become an interdisciplinary nexus, uniting researchers, scientists, educators, and practitioners to explore and enhance the understanding of play. The Forum is committed to fostering innovation and knowledge in the field of play, advocating for its vital role in learning, development, and human interaction, and bridging the gap between theory and practice to underscore the significance of play in educational strategies and everyday life.
Competence Centre for Innovation and Creativity 
The centre serves as a nurturing ground for innovation, welcoming unconventional ideas and fostering an atmosphere ripe for experimentation and risk-taking, which are fundamental for progress and breakthroughs. It aims to cultivate a vibrant community of thinkers, makers, and doers, all united by the belief in the potential of play and seeks to ignite synergies through networking and collaborative projects that lead to tangible real-world applications and solutions. Moreover, it is dedicated to researching and advocating the benefits of play for creativity and innovation, supporting the integration of play principles across sectors like education and industry. The goal is to develop and provide resources, tools, and methodologies to seamlessly integrate play into daily practices, focusing on ensuring the sustainability and ongoing relevance of play as a catalyst for creativity and innovation.
Centre for Musical Experimentation
The Centre for Musical Experimentation is committed to fostering a sanctuary for sonic exploration and musical discovery, empowering individuals to explore, expand, and express their musicality. It provides an innovative and inclusive space where musicians, composers, and enthusiasts of all levels can experiment with sound, collaborate with others, and push the boundaries of traditional music-making. The aim is to inspire creativity, nurture talent, and cultivate a vibrant community bound by the shared pursuit of musical innovation and artistic growth.
National Centre for the Promotion of Sports and Physical Activity
A facility that encourages and facilitates sports and physical wellness. The National Centre for the Promotion of Sports and Physical Activity is committed to nurturing a culture of health, well-being, and excellence through sports and physical activity. Its mission is to advocate for and facilitate a comprehensive understanding an engagement in sports, celebrating past achievements while fostering future excellence. The Centre aims to inspire individuals and communities to embrace an active lifestyle, understand the historical and cultural significance of sports, and provide expertise and resources to elevate athletic performance at all levels. Incorporating a Museum of Olympism in Serbia and a National Museum of Sports, the Centre strives to preserve and showcase the rich heritage of sports, while its competence centre for sports focuses on developing talent and advancing the science of physical training and athletic performance.
111Playground Earth – smart urban interventions
“Playground Earth” structures from EXPO 2027 will be transfered into urban contexts in the cities and municipalities of the Republic of Serbia. The process will involve carefully assessing and adapting the installations for urban spaces, coordinating their transportation and installation, and seamlessly integrating them into the city’s landscape with a focus on accessibility, safety, and aesthetic harmony. In essence, the sustainable urban interventions inspired by the EXPO 2027 legacy will transform the city into a living, breathing canvas of edutainment. These spaces will not only enhance the city’s aesthetic and cultural appeal but also promote environmental sustainability and community well-being, embedding the principles of play, learning, and ecological responsibility into the very fabric of urban life.